View Profile TheFantasticMrS

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Hah hah hah... Poo is so funny, you creative genius. Let me suck your dick, oh my god, oh my god! I wish I had as much creative talant in me as you have in but your lone pinkie! Nothing drives a joke home than repeating it over and over for ten absolutely fucking hilarious minutes. If you ever want to give me a call and talk poo, my number is 837-5309.

PS. Please make Peepee man next!!!


It seems that you like to watch Conan O'Brian. It's just like the picture segments that they do, right down to the pasted on head. I'm sure they probably stole the idea too though, but you had pretty funny writing running with the idea so I can't say that this sucks. It's a good job.


Oh! This is so like something I would have done for school. Only here in America, if we draw blood we are sent to the counselor so that we don't shoot up the school... This is my type of Edutainment.


That was friggin' great! You have a creative talent there. If you can keep things this creative make a lot more.

I liked it

It made me smile. But I thought he'd do drugs. Oh well...


That was great! It was awesome! Just I think the reason people think it sucks is because they thought it was just the skulls. Get your brother to have a "Click me" pointing to the skulls and then it'll get a better score. But this was cool as hell.

Can tell you tried

Just constructive criticism here. This is a really good Flash, by the way, but there are a few things you could improve upon. Your animation is overly stiff at times, like when the guy gets his hand crushed by the monster and stays perfectly still except for screaming. A lot of the angles seemed off, especially aparent on the hand guns laser sighting and when you went for the 3D effects.

Otherwise your really good at using flash effects and your drawing style is decent. Keep up the good work.

Quimera responds:

...thanks :P

I really liked this

It's too bad you ripped off Cowboy Bebop. I mean I'm fine with the style rip off as it's the only anime I actually like, but you just made Fei blond. You can change your main character to an original creation I'm sure.


Thank God you put the name of the song in the credits. It bothered the Hell out me the entire time trying to remember where I had heard it before.

Me: I know it's a nintendo game... Is it Megaman? No, it can't be Megaman... GOD! WHERE HAVE I HEARD THIS!?

Anyway good flash.

Kellan Smith @TheFantasticMrS

Age 38

Madison, AL

Joined on 12/25/02

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